The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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480 lines
0600 apokathistemi {ap-ok-ath-is'-tay-mee}
from 575 and 2525; TDNT - 1:387,65; vb
AV - restore (7)
- restore again (1) [8]
1) to restore to its former state, to be in its former state
0601 apokalupto {ap-ok-al-oop'-to}
from 575 and 2572; TDNT - 3:556,405; vb
AV - reveal (26)
1) to uncover, lay open what has been veiled or covered up;
disclose, make bare
2) to make known, make manifest, disclose what before was
0602 apokalupsis {ap-ok-al'-oop-sis}
from 601; TDNT - 3:556,405; n f
AV - revelation (12)
- be revealed (2)
- to lighten + 1519 (1)
- manifestation (1)
- coming (1)
- appearing (1) [18]
1) a laying bear, making naked
1a) a disclosure of truth, instruction, concerning things
before unknown
1b) used of events by which things or states or persons
hitherto withdrawn from view are made visible to all
manifestation, appearance
0603 apokaradokia {ap-ok-ar-ad-ok-ee'-ah}
from a comparative of 575 and a compound of kara (the head) and
1380 (in the sense of watching); TDNT - 1:393,66; n f
AV - earnest expectation (2)
1) anxious and persistent expectation
0604 apokatallasso {ap-ok-at-al-las'-so}
from 575 and 2644; TDNT - 1:251,40; vb
AV - reconcile (3)
1) to reconcile completely, to reconcile back again, bring back
a former state of harmony
0605 apokatastasis {ap-ok-at-as'-tas-is}
from 600; TDNT - 1:387,65; n f
AV - restitution (1)
1) restoration
0606 apokeimai {ap-ok'-i-mahee}
from 575 and 2749; TDNT - 3:654,425; vb
AV - lay up (3)
appoint (1) [4]
1a) to be laid away, laid by, reserved
1b) reserved for one, awaiting him
0607 apokephalizo {ap-ok-ef-al-id'-zo}
from 575 and 2776; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - behead (4)
1) to cut off the head, behead, decapitate
0608 apokleio {ap-ok-li'-o}
from 575 and 2808; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - shut up (1)
1) to shut up
0609 apokopto {ap-ok-op'-to}
from 575 and 2875; TDNT - 3:830,453; vb
AV - cut off (6)
1) to cut off, amputate
0610 apokrima {ap-ok'-ree-mah}
from 611 (in its original sense of judging); TDNT - 3:921,469; n n
AV - sentence (1)
1) an answer, i.e. "on asking myself whether I should come out
safe from mortal peril, I answered 'I must Die'"
0611 apokrinomai {ap-ok-ree'-nom-ahee}
from 575 and krino; TDNT - 3:921,omitted; vb
AV - answer (249)
1) to give an answer to a question proposed, to answer
2) to begin to speak, but always where something has preceded
(either said or done) to which the remarks refer
0612 apokrisis {ap-ok'-ree-sis}
from 611; TDNT - 3:921,469; n f
AV - answer (4)
1) a replying, an answer
0613 apokrupto {ap-ok-roop'-to}
from 575 and 2928; TDNT - 3:957,476; vb
AV - hide (6)
1a) to hide
1b) concealing, keeping secret
0614 apokruphos {ap-ok'-roo-fos}
from 613; TDNT - 3:957,476; adj
AV - hid (2)
- kept secret (1) [3]
1) hidden, secreted, stored up
0615 apokteino {ap-ok-ti'-no}
from 575 and kteino (to slay); TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - kill (55)
- slay (14)
- put to death (6) [75]
1) to kill in any way whatever, to destroy, to allow to perish
2) to extinguish, abolish, to inflict mortal death, to deprive
of spiritual life and procure eternal misery
0616 apokueo {ap-ok-oo-eh'-o}
from 575 and the base of 2949; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - bring forth (1)
- begat (1) [2]
1) to bring forth from the womb, give birth to, produce
0617 apokulio {ap-ok-oo-lee'-o}
from 575 and 2947; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - roll away (3)
- roll back(1) [4]
1) to roll off or away
0618 apolambano {ap-ol-am-ban'-o}
from 575 and 2983; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - receive (10)
- take aside (1)
- receive ... again (1) [12]
1) to receive what is due or promised
2) to take again or back, to recover, to receive by way of
3) to take from others, take apart or aside
0619 apolausis {ap-ol'-ow-sis}
from a comparative of 575 and lauo (to enjoy);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - to enjoy + 1519
- enjoy the pleasures + 2192 (1) [2]
1) enjoyment
0620 apoleipo {ap-ol-ipe'-o}
from 575 and 3007; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - leave (3)
- remain (3) [6]
1) to leave, to leave behind
2) to desert or forsake
0621 apoleicho {ap-ol-i'-kho}
from 575 and leicho (to "lick"); TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - lick (1)
1) to lick off, lick up
0622 apollumi {ap-ol'-loo-mee}
from 575 and the base of 3639; TDNT - 1:394,67; vb
AV - perish (33)
- destroy (26)
- lose (22)
- be lost (5)
- lost (4)
- misc (2) [92]
1) to destroy, i.e. to put out of the way entirely, abolish, put
an end to ruin, render useless, to kill, to declare that one
must be put to death, to devote or give over to eternal misery
2) to destroy i.e. to lose
0623 Apolluon {ap-ol-loo'-ohn}
active participle of 622; TDNT - omitted,67; n pr m
AV - Apollyon (1)
1) Apollyon meaning, "Destroyer". This is a rendering of the
Hebrew word ABADDON, "the angel of the bottomless pit". From
the occurrence of the word in Ps. 88:11, the rabbis have made
Abaddon the nethermost of the two regions into which they
divide the lower world; but that in Rev. 9:11 Abaddon is the
angel and not the abyss is perfectly evident in the Greek.
0624 Apollonia {ap-ol-lo-nee'-ah}
from the pagan deity Apollon (i.e. the sun, from 622);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Apollonia (1)
1) Apollonia meaning "belonging to Apollo". A city in Macedonia,
through which Paul and Silas passed in their way from Philippi
and Amphipolis to Thessalonica. Acts 17:1. According to the
Antonine Itinerary it was distance 30 Roman miles from
Amphipolis and 37 Roman miles from Thessalonica.
0625 Apollos {ap-ol-loce'}
probably from the same as 624; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Apollos (10)
1) Apollos meaning, " given by Apollo". He was a learned Jew from
Alexandria and mighty in the scriptures; one instructed in the
way of the Lord, according to the imperfect view of the
disciples of John the Baptist, Acts 18;24, but on coming to
Ephesus during the temporary absence of St. Paul, A.D. 54,
more perfectly taught by Aquila and Priscilla. After this he
became a preacher of the gospel, first in Achaia and then in
Corinth. Acts 18:27; 19:1. When the apostle wrote his first
Epistle to the Corinthians, Apollos was with him, 1 Cor 16:12;
probably in Ephesus in A.D. 57. He is mentioned but once more
in the New Testament in Titus 3:13. After this nothing is
known of him. Tradition makes him bishop of Caesarea.
0626 apologeomai {ap-ol-og-eh'-om-ahee}
middle voice from a compound of 575 and 3056;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - answer (3)
- answer for (one's) self (3)
- make defence (1)
- excuse (1)
- excuse (one's) self (1)
- speak for (one's) self (1) [10]
1) to defend one's self, make one's defence
2) to defend a person or a thing
3) to give a full account of; to calculate or consider well
0627 apologia {ap-ol-og-ee'-ah}
from the same as 626; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - defence (3)
- answer (3)
- answer for (one's) self (1)
- clearing of (one's) self (1) [8]
1) verbal defence, speech in defence, a reasoned statement or
0628 apolouo {ap-ol-oo'-o}
from 575 and 3068; TDNT - 4:295,538; vb
AV - wash away (1)
- wash (1) [2]
1) to wash off or away
0629 apolutrosis {ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis}
from a compound of 575 and 3083; TDNT - 4:328,543; n f
AV - redemption (9)
- deliverance (1) [10]
1) a releasing effected by payment of ransom; redemption,
deliverance, liberation procured by the payment of a ransom
0630 apoluo {ap-ol-oo'-o}
from 575 and 3089; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - release (17)
- put away (14)
- send away (13)
- let go (13)
- set at liberty (2)
- let depart (2)
- dismiss (2)
- misc (6) [69]
1) to set free
2) to let go, dismiss, (to detain no longer)
2a) a petitioner to whom liberty to depart is given by a
decisive answer
2b) to bid depart, send away
3) to let go free, release
3a) a captive i.e. to loose his bonds and bid him depart, to
give him liberty to depart
3b) to acquit one accused of a crime and set him at liberty
3c) indulgently to grant a prisoner leave to depart
3d) to release a debtor, i.e. not to press one's claim against
him, to remit his debt
4) used of divorce, to dismiss from the house, to repudiate. The
wife of a Greek or Roman may divorce her husband.
5) to send one's self away; to depart
0631 apomassomai {ap-om-as'-som-ahee}
middle voice from 575 and masso (to squeeze, knead, smear);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - wipe off (1)
1) to wipe off, to wipe off one's self
0632 aponemo {ap-on-em'-o}
from 575 and the base of 3551; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - give (1)
1) to assign, portion out
0633 aponipto {ap-on-ip'-to}
from 575 and 3538; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - wash (1)
1) to wipe off, to wipe off one's self
0634 apopipto {ap-op-ip'-to}
from 575 and 4098; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - fall (1)
1) to fall off, slip down from
0635 apoplanao {ap-op-lan-ah'-o}
from 575 and 4105; TDNT - 6:228,857; vb
AV - seduce (1)
- err (1) [2]
1) to cause to go astray, to lead away from the truth to error
0636 apopleo {ap-op-leh'-o}
from 575 and 4126; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - sail (4)
1) to sail away, depart by ship, set sail
0637 apopluno {ap-op-loo'-no}
from 575 and 4150; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - wash (1)
1) to wash off
0638 apopnigo {ap-op-nee'-go}
from 575 and 4155; TDNT - 6:455,895; vb
AV - choke (3)
1) to choke, to suffocate with water, drown
0639 aporeo {ap-or-eh'-o}
from a compound of 1 (as a negative particle) and the base of
4198; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - doubt (2)
- be perplexed (1)
- stand in doubt (1) [4]
1) to be without resources, to be in straits, to be left
wanting, to be embarrassed, to be in doubt, not to know which
way to turn
0640 aporia {ap-or-ee'-a}
from the same as 639; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - perplexity (1)
1) the state of one who is in perplexity
0641 aporrhipto {ap-or-hrip'-to}
from 575 and 4496; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - cast (one's) self (1)
1) to throw away, cast down, to cast one's self down
0642 aporphanizo {ap-or-fan-id'-zo}
from 575 and a derivative of 3737; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - take (1)
1) to bereave of a parent or parents
0643 aposkeuazo {ap-osk-yoo-ad'-zo}
from 575 and a derivative of 4632; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - take up (one's) carriages (1)
1) to carry off goods and chattels; to pack up and carry off, to
carry off one's personal property or provide for its carrying
0644 aposkiasma {ap-os-kee'-as-mah}
from a compound of 575 and a derivative of 4639; TDNT - 7:394,1044;
n n
AV - shadow (1)
1) a shade cast be one object on another, a shadow
0645 apospao {ap-os-pah'-o}
from 575 and 4685; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - draw (1)
- withdraw (1)
- draw away (1)
- be gotton (1) [4]
1) to draw off, tear away
0646 apostasia {ap-os-tas-ee'-ah}
feminine of the same as 647; TDNT - 1:512,88; n f
AV - to forsake + 575 (1)
- falling away (1) [2]
1) a falling away, defection, apostasy
0647 apostasion {ap-os-tas'-ee-on}
neuter of a (presumed) adj. from a derivative of 868;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - divorcement (2)
- writing of divorcement (1) [3]
1) divorce, repudiation
2) a bill of divorce
0648 apostegazo {ap-os-teg-ad'-zo}
from 575 and a derivative of 4721; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - uncover (1)
1) to uncover, take off the roof
0649 apostello {ap-os-tel'-lo}
from 575 and 4724; TDNT - 1:398,67; vb
AV - send (110)
- send forth (15)
- send away (4)
- send out (2)
- misc. (2) [133]
1) to order (one) to go to a place appointed
2) to send away, dismiss
2a) to allow one to depart, that he may be in a state of
2b) to order one to depart, send off
2c) to drive away